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About Us

Los Angeles Tamil Sangam(LATS)

is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) approved, organization started by a group of minds interested in connecting Tamil language-speaking families as a community to celebrate cultural and traditional festivals, share social and righteous values, and relay those to successors. Our focus is to bring Tamil-speaking individuals living in and around the Los Angeles area together, help each other, and to the society as a whole. The broader goal is to link with other Tamil societies and connect with service-minded and cultural experts, to learn, preserve and expand our history and values. 


Language brings people closer. We are proud to say that our Tamil (தமிழ்) language, one of the oldest classical languages, is still being spoken by a large group of people around the world. The estimated ages of the classical texts, called Sangam literature, are at least two thousand years old. As an example, ‘Tholkappiyam (தொல்காப்பியம்)’, an extant Tamil grammar text, has been estimated to be around 2000 years old, but the dates remain uncertain. From this, one can get a sense to understand the depth of the Tamil language. 

Education is important. Our major goal is to introduce the Tamil language to our descendants and assist them to speak, read, and write Tamil. This helps our kids to connect with their grandparents and relatives back in Tamil Nadu. Additionally, we are supporting our elementary school children by supplementing Science and Math education through the LATS STEM School.


We also prioritize social/cultural gatherings and community engagement activities to connect Tamil-speaking people. We conduct yearly cultural festivals, healthy-lifestyle workshops, social get-togethers, and sports tournaments to encourage and engage community members. Through activities, we believe, we can connect and strengthen our Tamil community and society.

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